The Church in the community
With a subscription of over 270,000 that reaches over 10,000 Lutheran congregations throughout the U.S. – we are honored to be featured in this month’s issue.
You can see the article, “Back to the Basics”, by clicking here.

After tonight’s Wednesday service, I am thankful to be a part of this church. I mentioned that during service and I’ll mention it again. I always look forward to hanging out with the church peeps and just see how everyone is. I enjoy listening to my pastor’s sermons, because it shows meaning, and it leaves you thinking. If it’s one thing that I wont get tired of, it’s actually going to church to spend an hour or even just five minutes with people that I honestly consider to be my family. Our Saviour Lutheran Church in my definition is: Home.

I have witnessed numerous baptisms in my life but the strangest thing happened on Sunday — If that baptism ceremony had been in the church I don’t know if it would have had the same effect on me. The poignant moment for me was when Savitri’s husband was asked if he desired to be baptized, and with a sincere voice he replied “I do.” Tears ran down my cheeks as I remembered Jesus words to the thief hanging on the cross. “Today you shall be with me in paradise.” It was at that precise moment on Sunday when I knew that love, forgiveness and grace transcends all human understanding. The angels in heaven were rejoicing on Sunday. Savitri’s husband has a brand new start. God is always there with love, forgiveness and grace.
— Anita