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Baptism Of Our Lord | First Sunday After Epiphany 2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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A Comparative Analysis of Truth & An information only... BIBLE EXPOSE 2021-2034.5 PASS IT ON UNTO THE WHOLE WORLD We do not know why many people claimed they have read the H. Bible and still they do not know if their religion were false or not? When the primary requirement to all Bible readers is to know this deceiver! So not to be deceive again and again? This happen when one transfer to one religion to another and so on! When their founder or preacher were mostly master of theology and were doctorate also, and still the problem is unknown up to date. When the answer were only sleeping in the Bible. So, not this explanation be long. We will put aside the O.T. Book, because the N.T. Gospel is enough to fully justifies any religion is false! So, lets begin in Mt. 25:31-46, which thou know, its already the executed Universal Final Judgment which classified all the character traits of all the people. And those Goats, which represent the world populations now, were all already condemn of an heritable and irrevocable First Death Accursed Sentence which is condemnable by Jesus Christ into hell in Mt. 25:41.. So, to analyze this judgment these all Goat people were all classified as like the devil character! And with all this fact, all the religion establish by these goat people were all false and also the deceiver of many peoples. Because of their irrevocable condemnation, how come they become pious and become the religion of God? When Jesus Christ have already condemn them all ever since his period. So, Lc. 6:39 the blind lead the blind? And the second fact, which thou can read in Mt. 24:36, and with this lone concealment made by Jesus Christ, all those imitator of Jesus Christ religion, for they cannot really know of this concealment, they can be also classified as false religion also! Anyhow, besides this truth there are many other concealment made by Jesus Christ in the Gospel. And one of this truth, was that God have only ordered Jesus Christ to established this lone religion exclusively covenanted to all the covenantal Israeli! With this fact alone, many could check the many corruption made in the translation of the Gospel by all those imitators or those pseudo Christian religions, which they also taught they can affiliates, joined or by ecumenism to Jesus Christ religion which are all false teachings which they deceive to many people, that can also justifies for their being false religion. And the other truth which the world religions do not know, that we are already at the 2nd Advent Period with an Hour Grace Extension in God count, which begins since last 1994 to date. and they also do not know, that they have another 2nd Universal Final Judgment to face! Which was already written by A. John in Rev. 21:8, read them.. So thou can understand that thou have the 2nd Death Sentence to avoid or thou at least already know were to go if thou rejected this judgment. Now, can anybody still don’t understand the falsehood of all religions by Jesus Christ version in Jn. 5:28, which he called those religions as “grave” and to A. John version in Rev. 3:9, he called it “synagogue of satan.” And for the concluding fact, which thou all can read in A. Paul letter in 1Tes. 4:16-17, which states that those “dead in Christ will rise first and then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the cloud and to meet the Lord in heaven.” And this prophesy of A. Paul is now our present scenario. And that those who submit and comply to this Last Call of God for his promise Covenant Salvation by believing Jesus Christ died and rose again. Now, can’t anyone ever notice that there is none of the many religions are amongst to be caught up in the cloud, proving that all those religions were all already condemned. And to this fact, we are all calling all those good people in their affiliated religion to come out and find out the True Way to your own salvation by READING IT in the New Testament Gospel throughout your life unto the time the clouds will caught up all those that will submit (or Personal Relationship Only). And to finalize, how God will punish those sinners. Which were already explained by Jesus Christ in Mt. 25:41 and to A. John version in Rev. 20:14-15.. Although they express it in different high parable knowledge and still they have the same meaning! And its means, that an individual (male or female) together with their posses sins, their whole body will be put to the lake of fire! But it is different to the Holy One! May our living lord God Bless us all. LOVE: New Jerusalem – Holy City
amen lord
Second Sunday of Christmas 2025 | Worship Online ... See MoreSee Less
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A Comparative Analysis of Truth & An information only... BIBLE EXPOSE : Last Trumpet/Last Warning of God (1Cor. 15:52 at 1Tes. 4:16)Pass it on... Peace be to all and a good health Hello guys, these were some example of the many problem of the people (Israelites and gentiles) that we have learn on why they could not understand the Holy Scriptures, so with our information revelation on the New Covenant Plan of God. In spite of the very basic and simple explanation, we expound it from the very high parable fictionize story from the elaboration of Yeshua M. and the chosen disciples to the now known as the NT gospel book. And these were some of the problems; firstly, because the Holy Gospel Book (or the NT book) is a Covenanted Living Word of God to the Covenantal people but those gentile scholars corrupted the gospel into generalization and taught it in true to life story writings which make the people more idolatrous faith believers. Secondly, because the Holy Gospel Book were really the Living Word of God, that it has the power to SCAN and to Judge the people, so it is necessary to know all the pre-requisite requirement before complying, so not to complicate the problems of not properly observing it! Thirdly, although thou maybe a covenantal people but thou have linkage to the Judaism remnant teaching believe that oppose and even rejected his Gospel books will get an automatic comdemnation of accursedness read Mt. 16:6-12, is this not a given warning to the Judaism believers by Yeshua M. but if they still continue this transgression its already a judgment to them. fourthly, although thou also a Covenantal people or even from the gentiles but if their faith belief to Yeshua M. is a man, thou were already categorize as an idolatrous believer, Exo. 20:1-5, 2Cor. 3:6 and Rev. 21:8 which have already an eternal fire judgment. And the Fifth, which is the most unnoticed common problem to both Israelites and Gentiles that can really causes hindrances in their understanding of the NT book or the Holy Gospel book. And this is if thou have posses a living sin (devil or living sin spirits) in within their self which thou must cast it out before reading the NT Book or Holy Scriptures. And these may be the CAUSE of their silence and coldness to the information we shared. As other advice of Yeshua M. in Mt. 25:41 " depart from me, ye cursed of God" which means not the person BUT TO THE POSSES SIN IN WITHIN THE SINNER! And thou could observe these common problem to all religion that promotes idolatrous faith believe in spite of their priest, pastor and minister were master and doctorate of the scriptures, they could not still understand the very simple 1st Commandment of God in Exo. 20:1-5. And these sins against God that lives in their self and being in their possession were working independently and controlling their self unnotice. And try to criticize their mistakes and they automatically depend it and even fought it back by the sins which controls the sinner. Remember mary magdalene that cast off seven demons in herself by Yeshua M. and what about the followers of the mother of all harlots? And who among us is exempted to these problems, unless thou know how to cast it out. And this will be resolve by the Blood of Yeshua M. (If you know?) as the mandatory format of God! May our living lord God Bless us all. LOVE : New Jerusalem - Holy City
New Year's Eve 2024 | Worship Online ... See MoreSee Less
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AN INFORMATION SHARING ONLY BIBLE EXPOSE Last Trumphet / Last Warning of God ( 1 Cor. 15:52 at 1 Tes. 4:16 ) “ What you didn’t know! ” Peace be to all and good health. We have observed and reviewed all kind of religious flyers, magazines and books of many gentile christian religion (foreign and local) which were only like a commentary in term to what they only knew without researching. But to us who knew a little truth of the bible and frankly speaking, they were all wrong! Which we will share this truth for the sake of information because many people nowadays really do not know the fundamental foundation teaching of the bible, that is base on Covenant and Testament essence which is intact in the bible for correct understanding of it! But this was plunder by many pseudo gentile christian scholars by corrupting it into pluralism and generalizing some of the messages of the scripture and popularizing its use which result to more problem to many peoples faith into fanaticism to their differences of understanding. And this kind of knowledge they knew is what they use to deceive their follower which is not correct or not in conformity to God Plan And to justify it, the falsehood of all gentile religion and were consider as the enemy of God or the devil, read Luke 21:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-15 and Ephesians. 2:1-14 because they don’t have God or they don’t know God! And to Yeshua Messiah in Mt. 15:15-20 the evil thought came from the heart (Israelite or Gentile) and the remedy is to know God and must be filled by the Spirit of Yeshua Messiah! The gentile have none of these and if they will not comply to the New Covenant Plan of God they will be the devil instead (Note: Don’t you see the importance of the Gospel of God which many Israelites don’t even believe and even rejected it up to date). And this can be concluded by the revelation of Two Major Conceal knowledge as KEY to the full understanding of the New Covenant Plan of God which the world religion really do not know. And the First Conceal knowledge is the "Days and Hour" in Mt. 24:36 and the 2nd is the “Universal Judgment” executed by Yeshua Messiah since 1st Century in Mt. 25:31-46, for the prohibition to these were now unlock, the “Days and hour” although it is of many use, the primary use is to title the whole time table setting of the New Covenant Plan of God to work out all the judgment and salvation in the Days set period of God to all to be chosen Israelites for the fulfillment of the promise covenant of God to Abraham, No Gentile! And to the Hour period, it is prepared for the judgment and salvation of all gentile people of the world unto the end of the world! And this can be elaborate more in the 2nd Conceal Knowledge which is the Universal Judgment for the whole period of the New Covenant Plan of God which Yeshua Messiah executed since 1st Century in Mt. 25:31-46 and the first judgment is applied for the Messianic or Christianity Period by separating the Sheep (chosen 144,000 Israelites) in his right side and the Goat (symbolizes all the gentile nation) on his left side, for the Kingdom was prepared only to the Covenanted Brethren or Sheep and No Gentile read Mt. 25:40! Which is set for 2 Days in God count or equivalent to 2000 years in our time which ends in 1993! After this Messianic Period follows the Hour Period or the “Hour Judgment of God” or the “Gentile Time Period” as the second and last judgment of God Covenant for all the salvation and judgment of all the gentile people of the world (Note: the gentile term here is the combination of literal gentile people and the Israeli who were not saved in Yeshua Messiah reign and they were consider now as gentile). And the judgment here is similar to the Messianic Period read Mt. 25:45. And this Hour period is in God count which is 41.5 yrs. in our conversion. And we are now in this Hour period which begins in 1994 after the Messianic period and if you will compute it in our present year of 2024, we are more than half an hour of the fixed One Hour Grace Extension period of God which ends in year 2034.5 to give the entire gentile world to UPDATE THEIR FAITH KNOWLEDGE in conformity to the New Covenant plan of God Salvation. And this is also mandatory requirement to all (Israeli and gentile) for God imposed this faith to all or else be the enemy of God or the devil! That’s why we are hurrying everyone to read and study right away the whole Holy Bible and Eternal Gospel, by doing this only, you will know God and Yeshua Messiah that will save you! Which your pastor, minister and priest also did not know them, for the wisdom is only REWARDED by God or by Yeshua Messiah who really knew who you are in your performance of faith! So goodluck to all for the time is running out fast its end or the End of the World. So may our living lord God bless us all… LOVE : New Jerusalem – Holy City
Thank you lord amen 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Amen lord
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