Located at 90-04 175 ST in Jamaica, NY 11432
Our Saviour Lutheran Church, organized in 1923, is a diverse congregation located in the fast changing, urban area of Jamaica, Queens, NYC. We gather together to celebrate in Word and Sacrament the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to root our hope in the power of God’s word. Persons from twenty-six nations of origin comprise this growing family of God who have been touched by God’s love and respond by giving our lives in friendship and service.

We welcome the opportunity to walk with you or members of your family through important passages of life: baptism, first communion, weddings, funerals, as well as services in your home. Please view our various ministries, or speak to our pastors for more information. 90-04 175 ST Jamaica, NY 11432
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Maundy Thursday -April 17
Maundy Thursday Liturgy
8:00 PM
Remembrance of the Last Supper with opportunity for individual absolution. This service concludes with the stripping of the altar done in a dramatic way.
Good Friday – April 18
Stations of the Cross
12:00 PM
Solemn service following the last steps of Jesus on his road to the cross.
Seven Last Words
1:00 PM
A continuation of the Three Hour service, with meditations and video montages in the service
Stations of the Cross
6:30 PM
A shorter, solemn service following the last steps of Jesus on his road to the cross. Stop by after work for this special service.
8:00 PM
One of the most powerful and moving services of the church year as the Passion story is read and the light of Christ is symbolically taken out of the world. Due to the dramatic nature, this service is not recommended for children. Child care will be provided in the School.
Holy Saturday – April 19
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
(one-half hour increments starting 2:00 PM)
Note: If you know anyone who wants to have their child/grandchild baptized, please have them call the Church
Easter Sunday- April 20
Join us for our Easter Worship
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Wednesday Lenten Worship @8pm
Faith is passed down from generation to generation – it’s an unbroken line
of ancestry that connects us all the way back to Jesus. The powers of the
world wanted to break Jesus and yet this faith that we rest on is strong
enough that they couldn’t do it. We are a part of this great tradition that will
not and cannot be broken.
This Lent we will explore how we are and
always have been both/and people:
* We value both Wisdom and Innovation. *
* We are Individuals with gifts and unique abilities and we are a part of
a Community that is much larger than any one of us. *
*We are Rooted and Growing.*
*We are Grounded in Tradition and always Reforming.*
Week 1: God speaks to us through Scripture and Spirit (March 12)
Week 2: God becomes human for us in Jesus Christ (March 19)
Week 3: God feels our pain and suffering (March 26)
Week 4: God compels us toward mercy. (April 2)
Week 5: God loves us eternally. (April 9)

Acolytes (those who carry the Cross in and out of the sanctuary and light the altar candles) are needed. Youth who are in grades 5 through 12 are invited to participate. Parents / Guardians please contact Our Saviour (oursaviourjamaica@nyc.rr.com) letting us know that your child (ren) desire to be trained and serve the worshiping community in this manner.